Module 2 | Organisation of living things
Content 2: Nutrient and gas requirements
Lesson 1 | Investigating the structure of autotrophs
investigate the structure of autotrophs through the examination of a variety of materials, for
example: (ACSBL035)
– dissected plant materials (ACSBL032)
– microscopic structures
– using a range of imaging technologies to determine plant structure
Lesson 2 | Range of imaging techniques
using a range of imaging technologies to determine plant structure
Lesson 3 | Investigate the gas exchange structures in animals and plants
investigate the gas exchange structures in animals and plants (ACSBL032, ACSBL056) through
the collection of primary and secondary data and information, for example:
– microscopic structures: alveoli in mammals and leaf structure in plants
– macroscopic structures: respiratory systems in a range of animals
Lesson 4 | Hypothesis, theories and models
interpret a range of secondary-sourced information to evaluate processes, claims and conclusions that have led scientists to develop hypotheses, theories and models about the structure and function of plants, including but not limited to: (ACSBL034)
– photosynthesis
– transpiration-cohesion-tension theory
Lesson 5 | Transpiration-Cohesion-Tension theory
interpret a range of secondary-sourced information to evaluate processes, claims and conclusions that have led scientists to develop hypotheses, theories and models about the structure and function of plants, including but not limited to: (ACSBL034)
– transpiration-cohesion-tension theory
Lesson 6 | Mammalian digestive system
trace the digestion of foods in a mammalian digestive system, including:
– physical digestion
– chemical digestion
– absorption of nutrients, minerals and water
– elimination of solid waste -
compare the nutrient and gas requirements of autotrophs and heterotrophs