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Year 11 Biology

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Module 2 | Organisation of living things

Content 2: Nutrient and gas requirements

Lesson 1 | Investigating the structure of autotrophs

  • investigate the structure of autotrophs through the examination of a variety of materials, for
    example: (ACSBL035)
    – dissected plant materials (ACSBL032)
    – microscopic structures
    – using a range of imaging technologies to determine plant structure

Lesson 2 | Range of imaging techniques

  • using a range of imaging technologies to determine plant structure

Lesson 3 | Investigate the gas exchange structures in animals and plants

  • investigate the gas exchange structures in animals and plants (ACSBL032, ACSBL056) through
    the collection of primary and secondary data and information, for example:
    – microscopic structures: alveoli in mammals and leaf structure in plants
    – macroscopic structures: respiratory systems in a range of animals

Lesson 4 | Hypothesis, theories and models

  • interpret a range of secondary-sourced information to evaluate processes, claims and conclusions that have led scientists to develop hypotheses, theories and models about the structure and function of plants, including but not limited to: (ACSBL034)
    – photosynthesis
    – transpiration-cohesion-tension theory

Lesson 5 | Transpiration-Cohesion-Tension theory

  • interpret a range of secondary-sourced information to evaluate processes, claims and conclusions that have led scientists to develop hypotheses, theories and models about the structure and function of plants, including but not limited to: (ACSBL034)

    – transpiration-cohesion-tension theory

Lesson 6 | Mammalian digestive system

  • trace the digestion of foods in a mammalian digestive system, including:
    – physical digestion
    – chemical digestion
    – absorption of nutrients, minerals and water
    – elimination of solid waste

  • compare the nutrient and gas requirements of autotrophs and heterotrophs

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