Module 2 | Introduction to quantitative chemistry
Content 3: Concentration and molarity
Lesson 1 | How are chemicals in solutions measured?
conduct practical investigations to determine the concentrations of solutions and investigate the different ways in which concentrations are measured (ACSCH046, ACSCH063)
Lesson 2 | Preparing and diluting solutions
conduct an investigation to make a standard solution and perform a dilution
Manipulate variables and solve problems to calculate concentration, mass or volume using:
– c =(molarity formula) (ACSCH063)
– dilutions (number of moles before dilution = number of moles of sample after dilution)
Lesson 3 | Calculating concentrations
Manipulate variables and solve problems to calculate concentration, mass or volume using:
(molarity formula) (ACSCH063)
– dilutions (number of moles before dilution = number of moles of sample after dilution)