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Year 11 Chemistry

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Module 3 | Reactive chemistry

Content 2: Predicting reactions of metals

Lesson 1 | Patterns in metal activity on the periodic table

  • analyse patterns in metal activity on the periodic table and explain why they correlate with, for example:
    – ionisation energy (ACSCH045)
    – atomic radius (ACSCH007)
    – electronegativity (ACSCH057)

Lesson 2 | Reactivity of metals

  • conduct practical investigations to compare the reactivity of a variety of metals in:
    – water
    – dilute acid (ACSCH032, ACSCH037)
    – oxygen
    – other metal ions in solution

  • construct a metal activity series using data obtained from practical investigations and compare this series with that obtained from standard secondary-sourced information (ACSCH103)

Lesson 3 | Oxidation states

  • apply the definitions of oxidation and reduction in terms of electron transfer and oxidation numbers to a range of reduction and oxidation (redox) reactions

  • construct relevant half-equations and balanced overall equations to represent a range of redox reactions

Lesson 4 | Galvanic cells

  • conduct investigations to measure and compare the reduction potential of galvanic half-cells

  • predict the spontaneity of redox reactions using the value of cell potentials (ACSCH079, ACSCH080)

  • predict the reaction of metals in solutions using the table of standard reduction potentials

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