Module 8 | Applying chemical ideas
Content 1: Analysis of inorganic substances
Lesson 1 | Testing for ions
analyse the need for monitoring the environment
conduct qualitative investigations – using flame tests, precipitation and complexation reactions as appropriate – to test for the presence in aqueous solution of the following ions:
– cations: barium (Ba2+), calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), lead(II) (Pb2+), silver ion (Ag+), copper(II) (Cu2+), iron(II) (Fe2+), iron(III) (Fe3+)
– anions: chloride (Cl–), bromide (Br–), iodide (I–), hydroxide (OH–), acetate (CH3COO–), carbonate (CO32–), sulfate (SO42–), phosphate (PO43–)
Lesson 2 | Gravimetric analysis and precipitation titrations
conduct investigations and/or process data involving:
– gravimetric analysis
– precipitation titrations
Lesson 3 | Analytical techniques
conduct investigations and/or process data to determine the concentration of coloured species and/or metal ions in aqueous solution, including but not limited to, the use of:
– colourimetry
– ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry
– atomic absorption spectroscopy