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Year 12 Physics

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Module 6 | Electromagnetism

Content 2: The motor effect

Lesson 1 | The motor effect

  • investigate qualitatively and quantitatively the interaction between a current-carrying conductor and a uniform magnetic field (\vec{F} = \vec{B}I\vec{l}\sin \theta) to establish: (ACSPH080, ACSPH081)
    – conditions under which the maximum force is produced
    – the relationship between the directions of the force, magnetic field strength and current
    – conditions under which no force is produced on the conductor

Lesson 2 | Force between parallel conducters

  • conduct a quantitative investigation to demonstrate the interaction between two parallel current-carrying wires

  • analyse the interaction between two parallel current-carrying wires (\frac{\vec{F}}{l} = \frac{\mu _{0}}{2\pi } \times \frac{I_{1}I_{2}}{\vec{r}}) and determine the relationship between the International System of Units (SI) definition of an ampere and Newton’s Third Law of Motion (ACSPH081, ACSPH106)

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