Module 6 | Electromagnetism
Content 3: Electromagnetic induction
Lesson 1 | Magnetic flux through an area
describe how magnetic flux can change, with reference to the relationship
(ACSPH083, ACSPH107, ACSPH109)
Lesson 2 | Electromagnetic induction
analyse qualitatively and quantitatively, with reference to energy transfers and transformations, examples of Faraday’s law and Lenz’s law (
), including but not limited to: (ACSPH081, ACSPH110)
– the generation of an electromotive force (emf) and evidence for Lenz’s law produced by the relative movement between a magnet, straight conductors, metal plates and solenoids
– the generation of an emf produced by the relative movement or changes in current in one solenoid in the vicinity of another solenoid
Lesson 3 | Transformers
analyse quantitatively the operation of ideal transformers through the application of: (ACSPH110)
– VpIp = VsIs
Lesson 4 | Transformer efficiency and applications
evaluate qualitatively the limitations of the ideal transformer model and the strategies used to improve transformer efficiency, including but not limited to:
– incomplete flux linkage
– resistive heat production and eddy currents -
analyse applications of step-up and step-down transformers, including but not limited to:
– the distribution of energy using high-voltage transmission lines