Module 7 | The nature of light
Content 1: Electromagnetic spectrum
Lesson 1 | The speed of light
conduct investigations of historical and contemporary methods used to determine the speed of light and its current relationship to the measurement of time and distance (ACSPH082)
Lesson 2 | The production and propagation of electromagnetic waves
investigate Maxwell’s contribution to the classical theory of electromagnetism, including:
– unification of electricity and magnetism
– prediction of electromagnetic waves
– prediction of velocity (ACSPH113) -
describe the production and propagation of electromagnetic waves and relate these processes qualitatively to the predictions made by Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory (ACSPH112, ACSPH113)
conduct investigations of historical and contemporary methods used to determine the speed of light and its current relationship to the measurement of time and distance(ACSPH082)Critical and creative thinking Information and communication technology capability
Lesson 3 | Spectroscopy experiment
conduct an investigation to examine a variety of spectra produced by discharge tubes, reflected sunlight or incandescent filaments
investigate how spectroscopy can be used to provide information about:
– the identification of elements
Lesson 4 | What is the nature of light?
investigate how the spectra of stars can provide information on:
– surface temperature
– rotational and translational velocity
– density
– chemical composition