HSC Study Lab courses are the best resource for senior Chemistry students. The course is very content laden but with HSC Study Lab each dot point is covered in a concise and precise manner. Even the first hand investigations are done so that students can see how things are done in a laboratory. Students are able to go through each lesson on their own, and test themselves to see how much they have learnt. Whether it be as an introduction to a topic or as a summary, the courses are an invaluable resource. I would highly recommend them to any teacher or student doing senior Chemistry.
Thekla Christie
Science Faculty / Burwood Girls High School
I have been using the HSC Study Lab for nearly 2 years as a teaching aide for my chemistry students as I have found it to be an excellent review of the topics as we cover them. We use it as a class activity by watching the videos then completing the activities and quizzes as a whole class discussion.
Iskaan Gantinas
Science Teacher / Orara High School
HSC Study Lab is an amazing tool to help not only HSC students study, but Preliminary students as well. The content follows the syllabus to the mark and is extremely relevant. As a HSC student at the moment and a past Preliminary student, this program helped me out a bunch. I definitely recommend this to everyone who wants to further their study.
Jye Robinson
Student / Cobar, Aurora College
HSC Study Lab helped me so much to study for my Preliminary Physics Course. The easy to understand lessons ensured I understood all of my syllabus points, and could easily review ones I forgot. Without HSC Study Lab I would have found revising for my exams extremely hard and much less convenient.
Katana Murphy
Student / Blayney, Aurora College
The interactive and engaging material made the resource an easier way to sift through content-heavy subjects such as biology and chemistry. Textbooks can be hard to understand for visual leaners and consequently hard to digest into a sound personal understanding of key concepts. Ultimately, HSC Study Lab is a refreshingly-exciting and fun way to learn interesting topics that will hopefully propel me into a career in science.
Nic Manning
Student / Sydney Grammar School
Last year, doing two sciences, I looked everywhere for something that would help give me alternate explanations at home. The HSC Study Lab website and subject courses were so helpful to me and I have been recommending them to almost everyone ever since!
I was very impressed with the courses for Preliminary Chemistry and Biology and have every intention of continuing to use this website throughout my HSC year in 2016.
Grace Burke
Student / Loreto Kirribilli
From my experience with HSC Study Lab, I can confidently say that it is a comprehensive, easy-to-use and accessible program which contains all of the necessary syllabus knowledge in a detailed and engaging format. The high-quality video explanations and relevant questions make it an excellent option for Preliminary and HSC success.
Siara Gugnani
Student - Graduating class 2014 / Baulkham Hills High School
Wow is all I can say to express how well the lessons are planned! Great videos and questions that really help me grasp my knowledge on every dotpoint! Thank you 🙂
Rebecca Tran-Lam
Student / Hurlstone Agricultural High School
I have recently started using HSC Study Lab to teach senior Physics. I find the introductory video clips helpful, particularly as they pertain so well the dot points of the syllabus. The interactive Play section has some fantastic inter-active animations that clearly shows those concepts that are more difficult for students to understand. The Feedback from my HSC students is always positive.
John Leighton
Physics Teacher & Computer Coordinator / Banora Point High School
Thank you, I have already checked out the fabulous resources. As a ‘newish’ teacher I must say how great it is to visualise timing of lesson content – you sort of never know what makes up a lesson and amount of content to cover. Especially with the demand to move really quickly through content!!
Prue Kesby
Teacher / St Peter's Catholic College
I love this. Thanks for biology, its really helpful.
Mohammad Mohibi
Student / Strathfield South High School
I'm pretty nervous for prelims but I think this website will help heaps!
Harrison Toole
Student / Kildare Catholic College
HSC Study Lab was so easy to use and explained everything so well. It works through the syllabus in small and easy to manage chunks which I found really helped me understand the content. HSC Study Lab has informational videos, interactive games and sample problems which all helped me deepen my understanding of the physics course.
Tieke Thomas
Student / Molong, Aurora College
Hi, I would like to thank you guys for this resource. It is extemely effective. The resources are clear and simple enough for students to understand.
Shakti Chetty
Biology Teacher / Holroyd High School
The resource is terrific. This is the first year I have taught Physics and the video clips have been really useful in explaining the concepts.
My students have enjoyed the quizzes, as it helps focus their attention on what to study.
Having Macquarie University staff speaking in the video clips gives me confidence the science is up to date, relevant and valid. Thanks.
Linda Clutterbuck
Teacher / East Hills Girls Technology High School
HSC Study Lab was awesome. It helped me through so much throughout the year. The amount of help that it provided was amazing. HSC Study Lab information was impeccable and were I turned to.
James Stoddart
Student / Dunedoo, Aurora College
HSC Study Lab is great for students like us, who studytheir subjects through distant education or at home. The entire syllabus is covered well in HSC Study Lab. I used HSC Study Lab for physics and it has greatly improved my understanding of physics. Sometimes physics requires picture/model/demonstration in order to understand the concept. Which, you will not get in a textbook.
Jacky Zhao
Student / Junee, Aurora College
HSC Study Lab is a great resource for students and teachers. It has lots of great explanations and is a fabulous new tool. Thanks.
Lois Cohen
Head of Applied Science / Moriah College, Bondi Junction