Topic 1 | Nature of business
Sub topic 2: Types of business
Lesson 1 | Classification of businesses - size and location
Classification of business
– size – small to medium enterprise (SMEs), large -
Discuss the global expansion of one Australian business
Discuss the expansion into Australia of one global business
Distinguish between the different types of businesses
Lesson 2 | Classification of business: Types of industries
Explain how changes in external influences have contributed to the growth of the tertiary, quaternary and quinary industries in Australia
Distinguish between the different types of business
Classification of business
– industry – primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary, quinary
Lesson 3 | Classification of business - legal structure
Distinguish between the different types of businesses
Classification of business
– legal structure – sole trader, partnership, private company, public company, government enterprises
Lesson 4 | Factors influencing choice of legal structure
Factors influencing choice of legal structure
– size, ownership, finance